What is Castable?

2024-03-15 16:49:49

Casables are mainly divided into castables for ordinary buildings and refractory castables for high-temperature kilns. They are amorphous materials. Ordinary castables for building houses usually refer to materials cast in the construction of building walls, which are usually not refractory. Refractory castables are a kind of castables used for the construction of high-temperature kiln linings. There are many types of them. Today, the editor will take you to understand what refractory castables are.

Refractory castables are usually composed of refractory aggregates, powders, and binders. However, sometimes to improve the refractory properties of refractory castables, various refractory raw materials are added to them, such as stainless steel fibers, inorganic fibers, corundum, and other refractory materials with refractory properties to improve the refractory properties of castables, to ensure that they can work normally during the operation of high-temperature kilns.

There are many types of refractory castables. Generally, there are two main types of refractory castables in the use of high-temperature kilns: lightweight thermal insulation castables and heavy refractory castables. Lightweight thermal insulation castables are divided into clay and high-alumina according to the raw materials, such as lightweight acid-resistant castables, lightweight alkali-resistant castables, etc. There are many types of them. We generally look at the aluminum content and density when distinguishing. Heavy refractory castables are divided into clay, high-alumina, and corundum according to the material, such as corundum castables, chrome corundum castables, high-alumina cement, etc. It is generally used for the lining of kilns such as blast furnaces hot blast furnaces and heating furnaces.

Refractory castables also have good hot spots such as good high-temperature performance, low impurity content, high bonding strength, wear resistance and corrosion resistance, long service life, non-toxic and pollution-free, so it can be said that it is very common in high-temperature industries, and the application range is also very wide, such as the steel industry, cement industry, power generation industry, coal industry, metallurgical industry, chemical industry and other occasions, and different types of refractory castables are used in different kiln parts. We should choose according to the location of use during use.

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