Characteristics of Corundum Castable Prefabricated Parts

2023-10-10 16:59:47

As we all know, the purpose of adding steel fibers to castables is to improve the mechanical properties of the castables, inhibit the occurrence of cracks, or limit the expansion of cracks when they are formed. Prefabricated blocks of castables made of refractory materials such as steel fiber castables can be made into a certain shape according to the process location and needs, and are heat treated according to the working conditions after demoulding. Precast castable blocks have better application performance and construction advantages than ordinary corresponding castables. Its main features are:

Characteristics of Corundum Castable Prefabricated Parts

1. Compared with ordinary products, castable prefabricated blocks have higher compressive strength, which is increased by about 2 times.

2. Good thermal shock resistance: The thermal shock resistance of castable prefabricated blocks is increased by 8 to 10 times.

3. The wear resistance of prefabricated blocks is better than that of castables of the same material.

4. Save masonry time, no on-site pouring, supporting, and dismantling of molds, and no need for construction machinery. Once the molded parts arrive at the site, they only need to be installed and assembled on-site, which is convenient and fast. The on-site construction process time is greatly reduced, the quality is stable, and it is not restricted by on-site construction conditions and human factors. The supplier provides an effective guarantee for production.

5. Save maintenance and baking time. At the time of delivery, the supplier completed all aspects of pouring, curing, drying, and baking in advance, saving a lot of curing and baking time, effectively solving the problem of pouring material explosion caused by rapid ignition heating, and making it convenient for users.

6. Cement kilns that are not limited by ambient temperature have large temperature differences in various countries and seasons around the world. During on-site construction, the high temperature in some countries reaches 43°C to 48°C, and the low temperature in some countries can reach minus 30°C. The temperature difference between the north and south of my country is also large, and the construction of castables is limited by the ambient temperature. When temperature fluctuations are too large, appropriate manual control measures should be taken to ensure normal construction and ensure construction quality. Castable precast blocks can be installed in any environment.

7. It is very convenient to replace and disassemble in actual production. If the prefabricated block is damaged, the damaged parts can be directly replaced. Just like replacement equipment parts, they can be replaced in a short time, realizing the desire for instant replacement and ignition.

8. Monomorphous refractory materials with long storage life usually have a short storage life, only a few months in dry conditions, while prefabricated blocks greatly extend the storage life, which is expected to be several years.

9. The service life of amorphous refractory materials is longer and is greatly affected by on-site construction conditions and human factors. If the amount of water added is too large, the actual performance on site will be an increase in porosity, a decrease in strength, or insufficient vibration, which will lead to a decrease in strength and affect the service life. Prefabricated blocks overcome the above shortcomings and are expected to increase their service life by 2 to 3 times, saving investment, energy, and environmental protection.

The impact resistance of prefabricated blocks is 10 times higher than ordinary materials, and the wear resistance is better than the same level of ultra-low cement materials. At present, some refractory companies in my country pre-cast the castables on the kiln mouth guard in advance, bake them at low temperatures, and directly install them for production, with a service life of more than 2 years.

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