How Many Days After Pouring Can Refractory Castables be Used

2024-03-19 14:26:56

After pouring, refractory castables need to be hardened and baked before they can be used. How many days does this process usually take before they can be put into use? When using refractory castables for equipment lining or repair, the curing and use time after pouring is an important issue in project implementation.

First, we want to understand the construction process of refractory castables. After the refractory castables are poured, they need to go through a hardening process. After the initial hardening is completed, the casting body needs to be de-molded. After demolding, the refractory castables need to be baked before they can be put into use. This is a process that refractory castables need to go through before they can be put into use. Next, I will briefly tell you about the time of these processes of some common refractory castables.

The process from pouring the refractory castable to hardening and demolding generally takes 36-48 hours, which is the hardening to demolding time of some common refractory castables. After that, it needs to be cured for some time before it can be baked. The curing time is generally 3-7 days. The refractory castable that has been cured needs to go through an important step before it is put into use, which is baking, so that the internal moisture can be completely evaporated, and the kiln as a whole can have a preliminary adaptation process. This baking process must be carried out strictly according to the baking curve, which generally takes about 2-3 days. Therefore, it generally takes about 5-10 days for the refractory castable to be put into use after pouring. The control of this time needs to be set according to the situation of the castable itself.

After pouring, the refractory castable needs to be cured for a certain period to exert its best performance. Reasonable control of the curing process, and attention to gradually increasing the operating temperature and pressure of the equipment after curing, can ensure the normal operation of the equipment and the long-term stability of the refractory castable.

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