How to Use Corundum Wear-Resistant Plastic

2024-02-27 13:58:43

Corundum wear-resistant plastic is a wear-resistant material commonly used in the industrial field. It has excellent wear resistance, impact resistance, and high-temperature resistance. The general method of using corundum wear-resistant plastic is as follows:

1. Batching: According to the needs, mix corundum wear-resistant plastic, curing agent, pigment, etc. in a certain proportion.

2. Stirring: Use a mixer to fully stir the mixture to ensure that the materials are mixed evenly.

3. Filling: Fill the stirred plastic into the parts that need to be wear-resistant and ensure that the filling is dense.

4. Curing: Put the filled parts into the curing furnace for heating and curing.

5. Cooling: After the parts are completely cured, natural cooling or forced cooling is carried out to quickly cool the parts.

6. Post-processing: Grind, polish, and other post-processing of the cured parts to improve their surface finish.

How to Use Corundum Wear-Resistant Plastic

It should be noted that when using corundum wear-resistant plastic, the curing temperature and time should be strictly controlled to ensure that the material is fully cured and achieves the best performance. At the same time, raw materials of qualified quality should be selected, and expired or damp materials should be avoided to avoid affecting the performance and life of the materials.

In addition, the application range of corundum wear-resistant plastic is very wide, and it can be used for various parts and equipment that require wear resistance, impact resistance, and high-temperature resistance, such as mill liners, pipes, reactors, etc. During use, the appropriate formula and process should be selected according to the specific application scenarios and requirements to ensure that the material can meet the actual needs.

In general, corundum wear-resistant plastic is a very practical wear-resistant material. Its use method is relatively simple, but it requires attention to detail and process control to ensure that its performance is fully utilized. During use, it is also necessary to pay attention to safety and environmental protection issues and take necessary protective measures and emission control measures to ensure the safety and environmental protection of production.

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