Technical Requirements for Pouring Boiler Castables

2024-03-04 14:52:09

The technical requirements for pouring boiler castables involve several key steps and details to ensure that the castables can be evenly and effectively covered on the boiler surface, providing good insulation and protection. The following is a brief overview of the technical requirements for pouring boiler castables:

First, before pouring, adequate preparation must be done. This includes cleaning the dirt and rust on the surface of the internal equipment of the boiler and checking for looseness, cracks, scratches, etc. At the same time, it is also necessary to check whether the accessories such as heating rods and valves are normal. In addition, mold-making is also an important step before pouring. The template should have sufficient rigidity and strength to ensure it does not deform during the pouring process, and the template joints should be tight to prevent leakage.

Secondly, the stirring and mixing of the castable is a key link. Clean water should be used for stirring, and the stirring time and liquid addition amount should be strictly controlled according to the construction instructions. For high-strength wear-resistant castables, it is necessary to dry-mix the mixture and binder evenly, then add an appropriate amount of water for wet mixing. The stirred castable should be poured within the specified time to avoid using castables that have already been set.

During the pouring process, attention should also be paid to the thickness and uniformity of the castable. Reasonable arrangements should be made according to the shape and size of the internal equipment of the boiler to ensure that the thickness of the castable meets the requirements and to avoid failure and safety hazards caused by uneven pouring. In addition, the temperature and humidity of the castable are also important factors affecting the pouring effect. Appropriate preheating treatment is required to ensure that the pouring temperature and humidity meet the requirements.

Finally, after the pouring is completed, protection and furnace baking treatment are required. The mold can only be removed after the surface of the castable is monotonous and reaches a certain strength. The protection time should be long enough to ensure that the castable is fully solidified. The furnace baking time should be determined according to the model, thickness, and climate conditions of the castable to ensure that the baking requirements are met.

In summary, the technical requirements for boiler castable casting cover multiple links such as preparation, mixing, pouring, protection, and furnace baking. Each step needs to be carried out strictly by the regulations to ensure the quality of casting and the use effect. At the same time, construction personnel also need to have professional skills and experience and be able to flexibly adjust the construction methods according to actual conditions to ensure the smooth progress of the pouring work.

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