The Difference Between Refractory Plastic And Refractory Castable

2024-03-25 11:42:31

Refractory plastic and refractory castable are both important materials for high-temperature industrial kiln masonry and are mainly used for high-temperature industrial kiln masonry. Although both can be used in industrial kilns, there are great differences between the two in essence. So what is the difference between refractory plastic and refractory castable?

1. Different material forms

Refractory plastic usually exists in the form of solids, powders, or granules. It needs to be mixed with water under certain conditions to form a plastic paste before construction; while refractory castable exists in the form of dry powder or granules. It needs to be mixed with water before construction to form a slurry, and then poured or sprayed.

2. Different material composition

Refractory plastic is mainly composed of high-temperature anti-burning materials, fillers, and adhesives. It is a plastic material designed for high-temperature environments. It is usually used for insulation, thermal protection, and coating of thermal equipment such as furnaces, kilns, chimneys, etc.

Refractory castables are usually mixed with refractory cement, refractory aggregates, and additives. They are a type of casting material used for high-temperature masonry, suitable for refractory masonry, filling, and repair in high-temperature environments.

3. Different uses

Refractory plastics are mainly used for coating, blocking, repair, and thermal equipment completion of high-temperature equipment, and are used to improve the high-temperature resistance, heat conduction protection, and thermal protection performance of equipment.

Refractory castables are mainly used for refractory masonry, filling, and insulation, and can be used for the repair and construction of high-temperature equipment such as high-temperature furnaces, kilns, rotary kilns, smelting furnaces, etc.

4. Different construction methods

Refractory plastics are usually in a paste or paste state. Usually, they need to be applied and filled by hand during the construction process. They are suitable for a variety of complex shapes.

Refractory castables are generally in a liquid state, usually need to be constructed by pouring, and are suitable for large-area masonry and filling.

Through understanding, the difference between refractory plastics and refractory castables is still relatively large. Generally, when choosing, it is necessary to make a reasonable choice according to the specific use occasion, environment, and construction method.

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