The Main Uses of Refractory Bricks

2023-11-06 14:47:45

What are the main uses of refractory bricks? The following is introduced by the technical department of Xinhongji Refractory. I hope it will be helpful to you.

What are the main uses of refractory bricks? We will introduce the main uses of refractory bricks and hope to be helpful to customers who need to use refractory bricks.

Refractory bricks are generally divided into two types: unshaped refractory bricks and shaped refractory bricks. Unshaped refractory materials: also known as castables, are composed of a variety of aggregates or aggregates and one or more binders, and have strong fluidity. Shaped refractory materials: Generally, refractory bricks are made, and their shapes have standard rules. They can also be temporarily laid and cut according to needs.

The main uses of refractory bricks are as follows

Refractory bricks are often used to build stoves—for example, boilers, furnaces (melting metal), hot blast furnaces, etc. The furnace should be built with refractory bricks.

Refractory bricks are mainly used for lining high-temperature industrial kilns, such as iron and steel industry blast furnaces, hot blast furnaces, converters, non-ferrous metal reverberatory furnaces, rotary kilns, etc.

It can be used as high-temperature building materials and structural materials for building kilns and various thermal equipment. It can withstand various physical and chemical changes and mechanical effects at high temperatures, such as refractory clay bricks, high alumina bricks, silica bricks, magnesia bricks, etc.

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