What is the Name of Refractory Bricks?

2024-02-29 15:35:34

Refractory bricks are also called fire bricks. They are a kind of shaped refractory material indispensable in high-temperature environments. They have the characteristics of high-temperature resistance, creep resistance, earthquake resistance, and corrosion resistance. They can resist high-temperature erosion and medium corrosion, so they are often used for lining high-temperature equipment and furnaces, such as aluminum melting furnaces, blast furnaces, trolley furnaces, glass kilns, etc. They are widely used in metallurgy, construction, chemical industry, power, and other industries.

The reason why refractory bricks are also called fire bricks is because they have very high refractoriness. The refractory temperature of some common refractory bricks can reach 1790℃, and the refractory temperature of some high-quality refractory bricks can even reach about 2000℃, such magnesium bricks and corundum bricks. It is precisely because of its excellent refractory temperature that it is widely used in high-temperature industries to ensure the stability of the working environment of smelting furnaces in high-temperature industries and provide stable assistance for the development of high-temperature industries. At the same time, its development is also the key to restricting the development of high-temperature industries. The higher the refractory temperature, the higher the melting point of high-temperature industries. Only in this way can the development of the entire industry be promoted. Therefore, refractory bricks can be said to be the cornerstone of high-temperature industries.

the Name of Refractory Bricks

There are also many types of refractory bricks. According to different sizes, they are divided into different grades, and according to different components, they are divided into aluminum-silicon refractory bricks, alkaline refractory bricks, carbon-containing refractory bricks, magnesium-containing refractory bricks, etc. There are hundreds of types. Therefore, when choosing, we must make a reasonable choice based on the actual use needs. In the actual use process, in addition to meeting the necessary refractory temperature, it is also necessary to meet the corrosion resistance of the medium in the environment, creep resistance in a high-temperature environment, and seismic resistance under severe vibration. Therefore, when choosing, it is necessary to make a reasonable choice based on the physical and chemical indicators of refractory bricks to meet different types of high-temperature kilns. For example, in the process of steel smelting, it is widely used to withstand high-temperature environments; in high-temperature reactors in the chemical industry.

Refractory bricks play an indispensable role in high-temperature industries. Without them, it is difficult to ensure the working environment of the kiln. In addition to being called fire bricks, different types of refractory bricks may have some specific nicknames, which are usually related to their materials, uses, or specific production processes.

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