What Are The Reasons For The Reduction Of Castable Strength?

2024-03-27 17:40:16

The reduction of refractory castable strength can easily lead to the peeling and slag falling of the high-temperature kiln as a whole. In severe cases, it can even lead to the collapse of the kiln as a whole. There are many reasons for the reduction of castable strength. It may be a problem in the early construction or a problem of improper operation in the later stage. Therefore, the specific reasons are analyzed in detail. Today, the editor will introduce some common reasons for the reduction of castable strength:

1. Water-cement ratio is too high: ash ratio refers to the ratio of water to raw materials. If the water-cement ratio is too high, the moisture content in the refractory material will be too high, resulting in the overall fluidity of the refractory castable being too strong, and the whole will become loose, resulting in reduced strength. Therefore, in the process of adding water, water must be added strictly according to the water addition ratio.

2. Refractory material quality problem: If the quality of the refractory castable is too low, or too many foreign impurities are mixed in during the construction process, the overall strength of the refractory castable will be reduced.

3. Aggregate problem: The quality of the aggregate in the refractory castable is poor or the aggregate is too small, which will affect the strength of the refractory castable.

4. Uneven or incorrect proportioning: During the proportioning process of refractory castables, if there is a problem with the proportioning between the binder and other powders, the refractory castables will be unevenly or insufficiently combined, which will cause the refractory castables to become loose and reduce the strength of the refractory castables.

The Reasons For The Reduction Of Castable Strength

5. Uneven mixing: During the construction of refractory castables, more castables should be fully mixed. If the mixing is uneven or the mixing time is insufficient, the various components in the refractory castables will not be fully mixed, affecting the strength of the refractory castables.

6. Construction operation problems: If the operation is improper during the construction process, such as insufficient vibration and uneven vibration during pouring, the density and strength of the concrete will be affected.

7. Improper curing: Refractory castables require proper wetting and insulation during the curing process. If the curing conditions are improper, the strength of the refractory castables will be reduced.

8. Improper operation of furnace drying: After the refractory castable is solidified, the kiln must be dried before it can be put into production. If the furnace is not dried or the furnace is not dried according to the prescribed curve, it is easy to cause problems such as peeling and slag reduction of the refractory castable.

9. Environmental factors: Environmental factors such as temperature and humidity will also affect the strength of refractory castables. For example, high temperature will cause the refractory castable to dry prematurely, and low temperature will cause the internal water of the refractory castable to freeze, which will affect the strength of the refractory castable.

The strength of refractory castables affects the service life of high-temperature industrial kilns. We should pay attention to the above factors that affect the strength of refractory castables, and carefully control them during the actual construction or maintenance process. At the same time, we must strictly follow the construction standards and use specifications during the actual construction and use process to ensure that the service life of the high-temperature kiln is improved.

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