What Is The Refractory Temperature Of High-Alumina Bricks?

2024-04-01 16:56:27

High-alumina bricks are an important refractory material and play an important role in today’s industrial production. They can ensure the normal operation of high-temperature kilns. Their refractory temperature refers to the temperature range in which they can maintain structural integrity and performance stability under high-temperature conditions. So what is the refractory temperature of high-alumina bricks?

At present, the refractory temperature of common refractory bricks is generally 1400℃-1750℃. According to the different alumina content inside, their refractory temperature also performs differently. Generally, the higher the alumina content, the higher the refractory temperature. Therefore, in the selection process of refractory bricks, we must first understand the general temperature of the high-temperature kiln masonry part, and then make a reasonable choice.

High-alumina bricks have excellent refractory properties and chemical stability, making them an ideal choice for many high-temperature industrial equipment. They are currently widely used in the lining and insulation layer of various high-temperature equipment, such as blast furnaces, steelmaking furnaces, converters, glass kilns, cement kilns, and other equipment. In addition to ensuring the kiln’s overall structural stability, refractory bricks ensure that the kiln is not eroded by high temperature, ensuring the stability of the high-temperature kiln. There are four types of high-alumina bricks: special-grade high-alumina bricks, first-grade high-alumina bricks, second-grade high-alumina bricks, and third-grade high-alumina bricks. The refractory temperature of each high-alumina brick is different.

At present, the refractory temperature of the third-grade high-alumina brick is generally around 1450℃-1550℃, the refractory temperature of the second-grade high-alumina brick is generally around 1550℃-1650℃, the refractory temperature of the first-grade high-alumina brick is generally 1650℃-1750℃, and the refractory temperature of the special-grade high-alumina brick is above 1750℃. Therefore, the refractory temperatures of high-alumina bricks of different grades are different. When choosing, we must make reasonable choices according to the use environment, to reduce costs while meeting the use requirements.

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