There are Several Types of Refractory Castables

2024-03-16 17:24:03

Refractory castables are an indispensable material in constructing high-temperature industrial kilns and furnaces. There are many types of refractory castables on the market, so there are also differences in classification. Some are classified according to composition, some according to kilns, and some according to applications. Therefore, we often see a lot of classified articles, but no matter how to classify, refractory castables need to be reasonably selected according to the specific situation of use. Today, the editor will briefly introduce the classification of refractory castables from the main components of refractory castables.

1. Silicate refractory castables

Silicate refractory castables are the most widely used type, mainly based on silicates, supplemented by appropriate amounts of clay, aluminates, and other additives. Silicate refractory castables have high erosion resistance and high-temperature resistance and are suitable for lining and masonry of high-temperature kilns, converters, electric furnaces, and other equipment.

2. Aluminate Refractory Castables

Aluminate refractory castables are another common type, the main component of which is aluminate materials, such as high-aluminum glass slag, iron-aluminum slag, etc. Aluminate refractory castables have excellent refractory and corrosion resistance and are suitable for the selection of refractory materials in high-temperature processes such as metallurgy and steelmaking.

3. Silicon carbide refractory castables

Silicon carbide refractory castables are a special high-temperature refractory material, the main component of which is silicon carbide particles. Silicon carbide refractory castables have extremely high-temperature resistance and thermal conductivity and are suitable for use in linings, insulation layers, and other parts of high-temperature furnaces.

4. Zirconia refractory castables

Zirconium oxide refractory castables are a high-end special refractory material, the main component of which is zirconium oxide micro powder, with excellent high-temperature resistance, thermal shock resistance, and chemical corrosion resistance. Zirconia refractory castables are widely used in the glass industry, high-purity metal smelting, and other fields to meet occasions with higher requirements for material purity and corrosion resistance.

The above is the classification of some refractory castables. There are thousands of types of refractory castables. They can be divided into different types according to different uses, not just the above classifications. Therefore, when choosing refractory castables, it is necessary to select refractory castables of appropriate types and performances according to the specific use environment and process requirements to ensure stable and safe operation of the equipment and improve production efficiency.

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